He is the best!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Which specific environmental problem should a notion such as your homeand focus for the nest 10 years?

For my homeland, Singapore, growing population will be the most crucial environment concern for the nest 10 years. According to minister mentor Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's population will rise from the current 4 million to 6 million in the future. This will inevitably lead to an increase in consumption and waste produce in Singapore. Moreover, an increased in population will also cause the rise in demands ranging from luxury items such as cars to readily available things like plastic bags. On the average, a person consume about 3 litres of oil and generate nearly 2 kg of rubbish a day. Hence, growing population can be seen as the root of exhaustion of natural resources and all pollutions. Although the government of Singapore has been doing their part in reducing pollution and consumption like imposing strict rules and regulations in industries, it is far from sufficient. Everybody in Singapore should play their own parts in conserving resources. In Scotland, teenagers wasted almost a third of all the electricity consumed in gadgets that are left in standby mode.With increasing population, the situation in Singapore will definitely worsen. However, more advance technology like hydrogen fuel is urgently required to dramatically reduce pollutions and exhaustion of crude oil to the point that the harm cause by human can be reverted. If we fail, the price for future generation will be too dear to pay.

1 comment:

See Kee said...

Yes I agree that with the increasing population, natural resources would be consumed at a much faster rate leading to more waste being produced. The best solution I guess would be what is mentioned that everyone should play a role in conservation of resources.

Another alternative source of fuel, CNG, is now used in replacement of petrol in taxis. This would help to reduce pollution as well. =)